Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Soccer is the best....or not

So Jaxin has decided that he doesnt really like soccer, I'm sooo bummed, of course he is only 4 so that can always change....AND IT WILL!! Or I will cry. Hes actually ok at it, he just has no attention span so he gets easily distracted. Other than a soccer game tonight, and work today not much happend, I didn't really get to see Zach very much tonight because he had to go to work at 730 and we got home at around 725 so we just barely got to see him. Jaxin got a new bike tonight, Laura my friend got 2 bikes from her husbands friend and she said he could have one, and guess what, Jaxin actually was able to ride it a little by himself!! First try even!! But then he fell and now he wont try because hes to afraid. We will just have to work on it. Yup thats all again tonight....I'm a boring person yo!!

1 comment:

Carrie and Mike said...

OK I am so having a boy and a girl my boy will be JUST LIKE JAXIN and the girl like Corina! hehe! I'm going to be one lucky mom someday!
Love you and your blog!