Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sick Sunday

So Jaxin has been sick off and on for a week or so since he started preschool and he has successfully given it to me!! He fell asleep in the living room the other night so we left him, and Frankels slept with him all night (See pictues above.) I slept like 15 hours last night and got up to go to work and when I got there I vomited everything I had just ate. Not fun I promise. So I helped the other managers find enough people and went home. I stopped at my friends house on the way and heard that some family friends were in a motorcycle accident, not fun. One had broken legs and the other was in surgery when we heard. So prayers all around. Yeah so not a whole lot has been going on in my life, my grandpa is still very ill, nothing much has happend there. Umm I think on top of the flu or whatever I have I have a sinus infection which I have never had ever and it sucks so hard!!! Well thats all for the tonight sukkas!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sssssoooooo tired..

So I had to work until like midnight wednesday night, and then at 6am today...did i mention I live 25 miles from work?? Yeah it was an early morning for me so this is gonna be short and sweet. I had a job interview today and it sounds like if I pass the background I get the job!!! So everyone start jumping up and down and cheering for me k!!! And that is really all for the night, I'm boring so PEACE OUT!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Werd to yer mother!!!

SO yeah today wasnt very exciting I slept and did not a whole lot. We had pizza for supper and Jaxin got to have a friend stay the night and share his new bunk bed with!! He was so excited. He slept on the top bunk of course lol. Well I know its a short short one today but I'm very much so tired and I am going to bed!! Thats all for tonight!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


So, I haven't done a whole lot today. I got up at 9 and babysat Leahs kids, that was fun. First of all her husband left him asleep with nothing but a longsleeve tshirt on, and didn't tell me where his pants or anything were, so I ended up putting him in some 2t pants and a xxs sweater.....hes just a year old and thats all I could find.....It was cute though. So then we went and picked Sean up from preschool and ate McDonalds, then went to the park and played for like ever!! It was fun we then went shopping and I got some new Victorias Secret lotions and body washes and a new shirt. And then we came home and I made the most amazing supper ever. I made cola pork chops and green bean casserole and it was yuumylicious I promise. So then we tried to play with Frankels and that was fun Zach went off to work and here I sit bored outta my mind watching Gossip Girl. I want to be rich, like loaded, but not really cause I like knowing who my friends are and why. I just want to have a nice house and nice things and all the best things for Jaxin, but that will come with time I suppose. Hmmmm theres not much to talk about here so thats all for tonight sukkas!!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

World Meet Frankels!!!!

Ok so I know I didn't blog all weekend, but well I've been busy....I work all weekend every weekend because God hates me lol. I had a pretty exciting day at work yesterday....I had to break up a fist fight between 2 employees. All I have to say is theres about to be a what?? GIRRRLLL FIGHT!! Lol it was so stupid, but amusing. We got Jaxin a kitty today, her name is Frankels.....he picked it. She's cute but annoyingly loud. Shes a calico and soooo cute, Jaxin just loves to hold her but she still has her claws so he cant very long or she claws him hehehe. He told me that he wanted to sleep with her tonight but i told him she wouldn't stay with him because shes still scared and needs to get used to the house. Its kinda sad because he wants to play with her and pet her but shes too scared right now. But yeah thats about all for my weekend, cause I'm so exciting ya know!!!! Thats all for tonight!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So my grandpa is really sick, and most likely going to pass away here very very shortly, and its stressing me ooouuuuttttt. I love him but he is just in so much pain all the time and its not really fair to him to suffer but at the same time you can see he doesnt want to go either, and nobody wants him to. And I dont even know what im more scared of, him dying, or seeing my dad that wrong?? I dunno. I didn't get to blog last night because Jaxin was sick and I had to do the good mom thing and hold him and rock him and all that jazz. He still isn't any better today but hey what can i say. Im also pretty sure that he gave me whatever he has....and its really no fun so yeah poor baby Jaxin.....well thats all for tonight!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Soccer is the best....or not

So Jaxin has decided that he doesnt really like soccer, I'm sooo bummed, of course he is only 4 so that can always change....AND IT WILL!! Or I will cry. Hes actually ok at it, he just has no attention span so he gets easily distracted. Other than a soccer game tonight, and work today not much happend, I didn't really get to see Zach very much tonight because he had to go to work at 730 and we got home at around 725 so we just barely got to see him. Jaxin got a new bike tonight, Laura my friend got 2 bikes from her husbands friend and she said he could have one, and guess what, Jaxin actually was able to ride it a little by himself!! First try even!! But then he fell and now he wont try because hes to afraid. We will just have to work on it. Yup thats all again tonight....I'm a boring person yo!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

S'up guys!!

As I said, my name is Myndi, I have a wonderful husband Zach and the best kid ever Jaxin. We now live in a small Iowa town, Reinbeck. Its different thats for sure. Jaxin just got done with his first season of Tball, and is attempting to finish out his first season of soccer OH YEAH!!!! I am a soccer nut just so you know, I have played since I was 6 and even played in Brussels when I was 15. Trust me there will be pictures of him in his soccer uniform up as soon as I download them.
I am definalty of the "different" sort, I dye my hair often, cut it a lot and well its never the "normal" hair styles. I have tattoos that I dont regret and doubt that I ever will regret them. I live for the here and the now, not the past. My family was recently displaced by the "great flood" of 2008 thats why we moved to Reinbeck from Cedar Falls. We lost a lot, but I can say you really find out who your friends are when disaster strikes, that goes for family too. I dont know what I would have done without you guys!! I want to personaly thank everyone that has done anything to help anyone affected by the floods or tornadoes!!!
I started this because I need something to do while Zach is at work, he started on third shift last night and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. He was on third for a long time and I hated it, but we got a new house and I love the house and I sleep so well here that I dont think its going to be as big of a deal as it was before. I thought about blogging everynight, but I dont think that I am that exciting so I guess we will just have to see!!! So thanks for reading all!!!!